Flaming Cheeto Lab



Objective:  You will determine the calories in a Cheeto




1.  Get a cheeto and find its mass on an electronic balance.  Record this mass on your data sheet as mass of cheeto.


2.  Set-up a ring stand with a buret clamp to hold a thermometer.  Make sure you have a ring on your ring-stand and a clay triangle on that ring.


3.  Fill a beaker with 70 mL of water and find the mass of an empty soda can.  Zero out the balance and pour the 70 mL of water into the can.  Record this mass as mass of water in can.  Put the can on the clay triangle


4.  Put the thermometer in the buret clamp and lower it into the soda can.  Don’t touch the bottom of the can with the bulb.  The bulb should be just above the bottom.  Record the initial temperature of the water on your data sheet as initial temp of water.


5.  Spear a cheeto lengthwise with a paperclip.  While holding the cheeto like a marshmallow on a stick, put on your goggles and light the very end of the cheeto on fire with a match.  IMMEDIATELY, after the cheeto is on fire, hold it under the soda can so that the heat of the flame is used to heat the water in the can.


6.  Keep your eye on the thermometer and record the highest temperature reached during the burning.  Record this temperature on your data sheet as highest temp of water.


Data Table:

Mass of cheeto                    ___________g         Mass of water in can    _________g

Initial temp of water          ___________oC       Highest temp of water ________oC

DT                            ___________oC



1.  Specific Heat of H2O          ____________J/goC (look on p. 536)

2.  Specific Heat of H2O          ____________Calories (look on notes for Ch. 16)

3.  qwater (in Joules) –Show work   (Remember q = mass x specific heat x DT)

4.  qwater (in Calories) – Show work (Remember q = mass x specific heat x DT)

5.  According to YOUR calculations, how many Calories are in 1 gram of cheetos?  Show your work below.  (Food calories are really KiloCalories – divide your answer by 1000).

6.  According to YOUR calculations, how many Calories are in 1 serving of cheetos (you need to look on a bag of cheetos to determine how many are in a serving).  What does the bag say are the number of calories in 1 serving of cheetos?