MS Excel Worksheet

Purpose:  Read the following directions and create spreadsheets which do the following tasks.  If I give you an instruction, write EXACTLY what you see following the “:” sign.


Task #1:

Find the average of the following numbers:

    2.34, 2.45, 2.67, 2.34, 2.56, 2.89, 2.40, 2.50, 2.43, 2.00, 2.34, 2.33, 2.99 (there are 13 numbers in all)


How to do it:

1.  List all of the numbers in box A1 thru A13 in the spreadsheet.

2.  In box A14, type the following:  =average(A1:A13)


Task #2:

Find the SIN of the angle 40o.


How to do it:

1.  In box A1 type the word: angle

2.  In box A2 type: 40

3.  In box B1 type:  SIN of angle

4.  In box B2 type: =sin(A2*PI()/180)

       *Note, PI stands for 3.14 and those things after the word PI are parentheses () (no space between them)


WHY?  Unfortunately, Excel is set to give the answer in Radians, and we need the answer in Degrees.  Therefore, you must multiply your angle by 3.14 and divide by 180.  Do the same when you want COS.


Task #3:

Type in a whole long list of random numbers from box A1 down to A15, and then find the average.


How to do it:

1.  Type in the list of random numbers

2.  In box A16 type: =average(

3.  Take your mouse and click and hold it over box A1 and drag it down to A15.

4.  Hit the enter button.   Magically, it includes all numbers A1 thru A15.  COOL!


Task #4:  Use the spreadsheet to do multiple calculations for you.

Look out Buzz Lightyear!  Emporer Zurg fires his Zurgatronic Ion cannon at Buzz with a velocity of 100 m/sec  (vo = 100 m/s).  Buzz is standing 500 m away. 


At what angle should Emporer Zurg shoot his Zurgatronic Ion cannon to hit Buzz?  (The cannon only fires at 100 m/sec.  That velocity remains constant).  You will have to create an Excel Spreadsheet to figure this out. 

A1: Angle

B1: Velocity

C1:  Vy

D1:  Vx

E1:  t (total time of flight)

F1:  x (horizontal distance)

G1: y (vertical height) 

How to do it:

1.  Type in the terms listed above in the boxes listed (example:  Type the word “angle” in A1)

2.  Take your mouse up to the gray dividing line between the letters along the top of the spreadsheet (eg. A, B, C, D…etc) and you will see the mouse turn into a black cross with arrows on the sides of it.  CLICK the mouse and you will see the column expand to fit the entire word you have written (COOL!)

3.  Now, Keep A2 and B2 blank because you are going to put angle and velocity numbers here.

4.  Starting in Box C2, come up with a formula which will allow you to find Vy using values you had in box A2 and B2.  Use your notes and the SIN and COS task #2 to help you

5.  You are on your own now…..  Fill in boxes C2, D2, E2, F2 and G2 with formulas and then throw numbers into boxes A2 and B2 to come up with answers.  (Hint:  There are no averages you need to find, but I wanted you to know how to do averages for future reference)  (Hint:  For COS, you need to do the same thing as you did with SIN) (Hint:  To square a number, type: ^2     The ^ is located above the number 6 on the keyboard) (Hint:  Be sure to check your answers on paper too to make sure your spreadsheet works