Circular Motion (chapters 7 and 8)

Equations sheet


q = 1 rad = 57.3o = 180/p

1o radian = 6 minutes


Note that V = VT = tangent velocity or orbital velocity.


S = arc length = distance traveled along the circumference of a circle

Units:  meters


S = rq = Vt = rwt = r2pft = r(2p/T)t


ac = centripetal acceleration

Units:  m/s2


ac =  V2/r = (rw)2/r = rw2 = r(2pf)2 = r(Dq/Dt)2


Fc = force acting in the centripetal (center) direction

Units:  Newtons


Fc = mac = mV2/r  = m(rw)2/r = mrw2


a = angular acceleration

Units:  m/s2


a = Dw/Dt = DV/t = rw/t