Chapter 1 Homework

Matter and Change – 10 points

The Instructions: 

Read p. 10-24 and answer the following questions.  The questions are written in the order of the chapter.  Sometimes you might have to do a little extra research for a question – try using your glossary (in the back of the book) to help you with your search.  I will always write questions from the book in this order.


      For all of my homeworks, answer on a separate sheet of paper.  Use complete sentences only when necessary, if the answer is one word, just put the one word.  Write only the answer, not the question.  Neatness and completion counts for full credit.  It is your responsibility to make sure you have the answers correct before the quiz/test.  Ask me in class or ask a friend. I cannot always correct all of the mistakes on the papers I have to grade – I’ll try to correct some of them, but it is impossible to get them all.  Besides, you are going to turn in your homework on the day of the test, by then it is too late for me to correct the mistakes and get it back to you for review.


     There will be a due date for all homeworks given to you on the day I assign the homework.  This is just a “Check” date.  I will check to make sure you have completed the homework and then stamp it with a rubber stamp.  Then, you will turn in your homework on the day of the actual quiz/test.  This way you can keep your homework to study.  The stamp is worth points, so do your homework on the day due or face losing points when you actually turn the assignment in on the quiz date.


     Homework points range from 5-30 points per assignment.  It depends upon the relative difficulty/length of the assignment.  Total homework points will add up to roughly 10% of the total class grade.  While this is not a lot of points, former students will tell you that if you skip the homeworks, or copy them from others, you will not be prepared for the quizzes, labs and tests.  This is a college preparatory course, homework does not count as much as quizzes, labs and tests.  Be prepared and you’ll do fine!

1.  What is volume?

2.  What is mass?  How is it different from weight? (you’ll have to do some research on this one)

3.  What is the definition of matter?

4.  What is the difference between an atom and an element?

5.  What is a compound?  Give at least 2 examples of compounds.

6.  What is the difference between a compound and a molecule?  (You’ll have to do some research)

7.  What is the distinguishing property of metals?

8.  What is the definition of the word “Reagent”? (or Reactant)

9.  What are extensive properties and give several examples.

10.  What are intensive properties and give several examples.

11.  Do you think temperature is an extensive or intensive property?  (not in book.  Think about it.)

12.  What is a physical property and give examples.

13.  What is a physical change and give examples.

14.  What’s the difference between solids, liquids and gases?  Is it a physical or chemical change when a solid turns into a liquid.

15.  What is a chemical property and give some examples.

16.  What’s the difference between reactants and products?

17.  What does the ---à symbol in a chemical equation mean?

18.  Think about it:  If bonds are broken/created between elements, is this a chem. or a physical change?

19.  Think about it:  Melting an ice cube into water with a blow torch – Chemical or Physical?

20.  Think about it:  Separating water into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current – C or P?

21.  What’s the difference between pure substances and mixtures?  Give examples of each (look at figure 1-8 on p. 15 for help).

22.  What is the difference between a heterogeneous and a homogeneous mixture – which one is referred to sometimes as a solution? Give examples.

23.  The vertical columns on the periodic table are called?

24.  The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called?

25.  Where are the metals and where are the non-metals on the periodic table?

26.  Which is a good conductor of heat and electricity:  Metals or non-metals?

27.  What is a metalloid and where are they on the table?

28.  Where are the Noble Gases on the chart?

What’s going to be on the quiz for this chapter? 

1.  Names of elements:  You must memorize the names and symbols of the following elements (I have given you the atomic numbers of the elements you need to know):

                #1-20,  24-30, 33-38, 46-56, 74, 78-80, 82-88, 92-94 (58 elements in all)

Example questions for this part:     1) “What is the name of Au?”     2) “What is the symbol for Tungsten?”


     There will be NO MATCHING IN THIS SECTION. 


2.  Definitions of vocabulary words from this worksheet:

Example questions for this part:     1) “Is melting an ice cube a physical or chemical change?”

2) “B, Al, Ga, In and Tl are in the same Group or Period?”


How Should I study for this Quiz?:

For the Element Part:

1.  Write out all of the symbols of the elements you need to know on one side of a sheet of paper.  Write all of their names down the other. (one column of symbols next to one column of names)

2.  Ask someone to quiz you on them.  Have them first ask you the symbols and you give the names.  Then, have them give you the names and you tell them the symbols.

3.  Make flash-cards of the ones you CANNOT REMEMBER and study the flashcards on your own time.

4.  Follow up by asking someone to quiz you again right before the exam (the night before –

NOT 5 minutes before the quiz!).  The follow up is very important for your confidence!!!!!!!!!!


For the Definitions Part:

1.  Have someone read you the questions from the worksheet and you answer them.

2.  Write down any ones you CANNOT REMEMBER on a separate sheet of paper.

3.  Make yourself a diagram which connects the ideas of the worksheet.  Look at Figure 1-8 on p. 15 for an idea – that is a marvelous diagram to help you remember the inter-relationship between Mixtures, compounds, elements, molecules…etc.  Diagrams are great for vocabulary words that are related!


How about a Study Group?:

     Join or form a study group ONLY AFTER you have attempted the homework yourself (Skip the questions you don’t get after a few minutes and move on!)  Study groups are NO GOOD if you have them before you even look at the material yourself.  And NEVER be the person who shows up to a study group without having first looked at the material.  Don’t rely on “the other guy” to help you understand, you need to bring something to the group – what if everyone in your group thought the same way?  That would be some group!  Finally, remember these 6 points:  1) Set a time limit (1.5 hours max), 2) kill the stereo (I know: “it helps me study”.  Baloney!), 3) Stick to the task – gossip later, the faster you get through it, the more time you’ll have for gossiping stereos.  4) Invite only the people who you know are serious 5) Bring your textbook and the homework you have completed so far.  6) YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!  J  Study groups are very helpful if you follow these rules!


Big Hints:

     I never ask the exact same question on a quiz as I do on a worksheet.  Worksheet questions: 23) “The vertical columns on the periodic table are called?”.   28) “Where are the Noble Gases on the chart?” Becomes quiz questions: 1) “Name two other elements that are in the same group as Oxygen”.  2) “Which of the following elements are Noble Gases:  Al, Ar, Br, W or Au?” (you’d have a periodic table to look at to answer this question about Noble Gases).  Notice that these two quiz questions require that you know and understand questions 23 and 28 from the worksheet.

     The Think About it Questions on the worksheets are often the kinds of questions I’ll ask on quizzes.


I have reviewed The Instructions,  What’s going to be on the quiz for this chapter?, How Should I study for this Quiz? How about a Study Group?: And Big Hints: With my child.



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