Grading Rubric: Charles Law Lab


50 Lab Points Possible


Only the questions listed were graded.  Please check your answers with these and let me know of any corrections as soon as possible.


Pre-Lab Questions:


#5.  2pts.  Velocity is high, but mass is low, so KE is low.

#8.  4pts.  a. 760mm – 23.7mm = 736.24mmHg is gas pressure alone 98.16 Kpa.

                b. (736.24)(50)=(760)(V2)

                    V2 = 48.43mL

#10.  2pts. Part I: C, because no air escaped.

                 Part II: A, because molecules will speed up and increase KE and pressure.

#11.  2pts. Part I: A, because air escaped.

                 Part II: C, because it is open to the air and it goes into equilibrium with the air.


       10pts. Total.




       * There should be 3 data tables.

                                                                                                                     Solve for This

#1.  5pts. (V2 uncorrected)(P room – PH2O) = (P room)(V2corrected) ¿

                   This should be done for all 3 data tables.  V2corrected should be less that V2uncorrected.


                                                                                       Solve for This

#2. 5pts. (V2corrected)(T1) = (T2)(V1 experiment) ¿

                  This should be done for all 3 data tables. And V1experiment should be very close (but not exactly) equal to V1.


       10pts. Total.



Post Lab Questions:


#2. 6pts. A. PV1experiment = nRT2 ¿            (Should be more moles than 2b and C)                                                                                                                       


              B. PV1experiment = nRT1¿

                                                                         Room             These should be similar in Value for “n”

              C. PV 2 corrected = nRT2¿


#4. 2pts.That ensures the Pressure in the flask will be equal to the room pressure.  If the water in the flask were higher, the P would be lower.  If the water in the flask was lower, the P would be greater.

#5. 1pt. Low Pressure flask is replaced by water forced in by P room.

#6. 1pt. Should be near –273 oC.


  10pts. Total.




10 points for the graph

10 points for neatness