Element Project

30 Points

You are responsible for finding out all you can about the following element (Circle yours)

H, He, Li, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Kr, Ag, Sn, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, W, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, Rn, Ra, U, Pu, Ti


Use the following sources to find out information about your element.

1.  Your Textbook – The Red “Modern Chemistry” book has % abundance in crust.  If your element is a gas, then I need it’s percentage abundance in the atmosphere.


2.  Exploring Chemical Elements and their Compounds (by David. L. Heiserman)


3.  www or encyclopedia…etc. (type in “periodic table” into any search engine and you should find something)


What you need to do.......


1.  Write the symbol of your element on a white sheet of 8 1/2” x 11” piece of paper.  Decorate your symbol and put any and all basic properties:  atomic number, weight, melting point, boiling point, density, oxidation state, electron configuration, percent of abundance of your element on earth (Specify if this is within the Earth’s crust or the Earth’s Atmosphere), what state of matter it is in at 25oC (room temperature) (solid, liquid or gas). 

(10 points extra credit if your paper is very creative)


2.  Write a brief, TYPED (12 point font, single spaced, 1” margins), summary of the following two items:

      1) The historical background of your element (Who discovered it, when did they discover it, what was it used for in the “early days”), its uses today and where it can be found on earth (about 1/2 to 1 page) 

     2) A description of your element’s group/family (about 1/2 to 1 page).   (All of the elements on the periodic table which are vertically separated in a line are members of the same group).  p. 728-783 of your textbook has sections devoted to different groups of the periodic table.  How is your element similar to the other elements in it’s group (also sometimes called it’s family).  Be sure to read these pages as they pertain to your element. 


(The report is to be in the FIRST PERSON:  Example:  “I am hydrogen and I was discovered in ______.  I am a crucial element in the production of _________.  IF not in first person, it will not be accepted!).


(10 points extra credit if your paper is very creative)



3.  Present your element to the class.  Explain it’s history, its properties, its group/family and its uses.  If you can, bring your element to class (it can be in the pure form or in a compound.  Ask me if I have a sample - I have many of them at school, except I don’t have any Au, U or Pu).

(10 points extra credit if your presentation is very creative)



Note:  You are only eligible for one of the three possible extra credits.  You CANNOT get two or three 10 point extra credits.