E. Circular Motion II



8.1 Rigid Bodies and Rotations

5, 10, 13

10:  vcm = rw  solve for w

13:  a = at/r   solve for a.  Next, w2 = wo2 + 2aq  where you solve for q



8.2  Torque, Equilibrium, Stability

14, 18, 19, 24, 30, 31


14:  Look at figure 8.5 c on p. 256 and you’ll see SF = 0 but the St doesn’t = 0

18:  When the force is applied ^ to the length of the wrench, minimum force is required and the lever arm equals the length of the wrench.  At q = 90o, r^= 0.15 m

            t = Fr^ solve for F

19:  In this case, r^ = 0.15 sin 30.  Use formula from 18 and again solve for F.

24:  St = 0.  Don’t forget that to find distances you must subtract from the designated pivot point.

30:  see example 8.5 on p. 259

31:  Choose where the string acts as the axis and work from the bottom up.  Realize that St must = 0 since they aren’t rotating.


Even Answers:

10:  1.7 rad/s

14:  b

18:  1.7 x 102 N

24:  a:  83.3 cm      b.  62.5 g

30:  2.1 x 102 N